Occidental Tamarindo

8.6 / 10 5-star hotel $$$$

Address: Avenida España Calle Playa Langosta, Provincia de Guanacaste, Tamarindo, 50309, Costa Rica

Phone: +506 2690 9600

4.0 out of 5

Very Good (5313 reviews)

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Set along a tranquil beach on the Pacific Ocean, this laid-back all-inclusive resort overlooking Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas is 2 km from shops and restaurants in Tamarindo.
Casual rooms provide flat-screen TVs, minibars and free Wi-Fi, plus terraces or balconies. Bi-level suites add living rooms with pull-out sofas, as well as ocean views and/or whirlpool tubs.
In addition to meals, parking is included. There’s also a seafood restaurant, a buffet eatery and a lobby bar, as well as a hot tub and an outdoor pool with a snack bar and live entertainment. Other amenities include a spa, a gym and a tennis court, as well as beach access.